Wednesday, June 5, 2019

It's been a while...

It's been five years since I last updated. A lot has happened since then. We had moved to Alaska just before Zoey turned one. I was able to get my first job there and it was awesome. I worked at Burger King on the base and met some amazing people. Then I went to work at Walmart since the drive to the base was long and not worth the gas. We ended up having another little girl while we were there, we named her Casidhe Ann Scarlett Heckman. She was born at 37 weeks, induced cause she kept trying to come early like her sister. I ended up having to have an emergency c-section because she had a prolapsed cord. I was so scared. Shortly after having her we moved back home. We lived in Alaska for a year and it was so beautiful, but it cost so much to live there! After we moved back I went back to be a stay at home mom. James started pre-k that year too. He loves school. Zoey just recently finished her second year of preschool and will be starting kindergarten soon, James will be going to second grade and Casidhe will be going to her first year in preschool. We also had another little boy a year ago, his name is Connor Anthony Scott Heckman. He's such a climber, every time I turn around he's on something. We were "homeless" for a year, living with family. We were evicted for our apartment we got when we moved back from Alaska, we lived there for two years. Also, right before we were evicted someone had called CPS on us claiming that we didn't take care of the kids properly and that Casidhe only ate bread. Also, they had complained that James wore clothes that he got the year before. The caseworker said she wasn't worried about them cause they seemed happy and healthy and we had food in the house. The case was closed  quickly. Thankfully.

It's crazy how things change so fast in what feels like a short time. Now Eric is trying to get back into the army. He just did a PFT to see if he has asthma or anything of the sort. He has to wait for the doctor to tell him the results and them send them into the military personnel to go over it and determine if they will let him back in. If he does get back in it will be amazing for our family. Right now he's working at a pizza place making minimum wage. We can't afford our bills with that. And DHS closed our food stamps because they said that never got a paper that was sent to them, so now we will have to budget that too until we can figure that out and get food stamps again until we can get better income. I hate that we need the help but it really does help. If we didn't have kids we wouldn't have it. I'm hoping things start to look up even more here soon, I've been super stressed out.

Well, I think that's all for now. Til next time XOXO 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Baby Time

Well, I was right Zoey came before her due date. She was born at 36 weeks 2 days gestation. She was born at 2:32 am Saturday May 31, 2014. She was 6 lbs 3 oz 18 1/2 inches. She was transferred to the NICU at a different hospital because she was having problems breathing and had fluid in her lungs. She's been doing so amazing and getting better fast. She is now 1 week and 2 days old. She may get to go home soon :) I really can't wait for her to come home. She's is absolutely beautiful.
James loves his baby sister so much, he tells the nurses "No! My Baby!" it's the cutest ever.
I really hope we will be able to have all the last minute stuff done for when she gets to come home. We still need to get diapers for her lol. She has some clothes but none are the right size since she is so tiny lol but she will be in them before long. I'm so glad that she is doing so much better than when she was first born. She gave us a good scare, they kept saying that they couldn't get a heartbeat then starting calling code pink. But thankfully she is alright. I'm so thankful that she is doing so well and that all the nurses and doctors have been helping her get stronger so that way she can come home.
Well that's all I have for now. I shall update again later.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Whew, we have been super busy lately. My Mom's wedding is coming up and the due date and we are going to be moving. 
It seems as though Zoey wants to come before the due date lol. I'm already at 1 cm (as of last Friday lol) and she's in position. I really can't wait to meet her. We are trying to get her to stay until next week so that way she is "full term" and won't have as high possibility of having complications from being early.
We have lots to pack up and haven't even started. We keep forgetting the boxes to do it lol. We also have lots of cleaning to do too, we could use a carpet cleaner lol.
James is getting so big it's crazy. He is wanting to go sit on his potty more though he doesn't really use it. He's starting to say bigger words and using sentences.
We still need to get things for my Mom's wedding that's coming up, and I don't know what we are going to do about that. We have been struggling to catch up on bills and such. We are almost there lol.
I can't believe how fast the time is going by. It seems like yesterday that I was finding out that my hubby and I were going to be parents for the first time. And now we are about to have our second baby, and just celebrated three years together. I really do hope for many many more years with him. 
I wonder how much longer we really have until Zoey makes her appearance. I'm going crazy with impatience lol. I really just want her to be healthy when she comes so I can wait until she's ready. I wonder how much she will weigh and how long she will be. 
Well, I suppose that's enough for one day. Until next time. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


So we found out that we are going to be having a baby girl :) We are going to be naming her Zoey Elizabeth Heckman :) 
I am currently 24 weeks and 2 days along :) with 15 weeks and 5 days until the due date :) 
I can't wait to meet her. She's going to be beautiful :) 
I have an acute respiratory infection, it sucks lol, and hoping to get over it soon. 
We still have lots to do to get the room ready for the kid's before Zoey gets here. I can't wait to finally feel ready. I just wish that I could get some help with it more. 
I hope that James will be excited to have a baby sister around when she gets here. Right now he's undecided lol. One minute he's happy about it then he's grumpy about it. 
Though he will tell people that it's his baby <3 
I love the way he says Zoey it's so cute! 
I'm so proud of how much improvement he's gone through with his speech, he had me a bit worried lol. 
Now we are working on getting him ready for potty training, sitting on the potty etc. 
He's gone in the potty a few times for both :) 
He's getting so big it makes me want to cry. 
He's definitely a handful lol gets into everything including the trash haha. 
Sometimes I worry that I won't be able to handle two babies at once, but I should get the hang of it quickly :) 
Now if only I can get James back on his nap time schedule. He gets super cranky when he's tired. 

Well, I suppose that's enough rambling for one day. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


So, I'm pregnant!  Lol. I'm a little over ten weeks. It's crazy. I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to have more kids. I'm so happy. I have a doctors appointment coming up in December. I can't wait for it. I will be getting my first ultrasound.

Alot of people think that I'm going to have twins lol. I'm a little scared to have twins. Though I'm sure I would get the hang of it quickly. Eric is freaking out about it lol. If we were to have twins we will have to move and we can't afford to move right now. I hope everything is going to work out.

James is starting to talk more :) I'm so proud of him. I love him with all my heart.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What I've been up to :)

Wow, time sure does go by fast! I've been trying to get into school to become a Neonatal Nurse, we have our own place (for about two/three months now) and things are looking up for us :) finally out of debt! I just can't believe it lol it's like I'm dreaming :) and don't want to wake up. James will be two in a few months. I will be twenty-one next week! It's crazy! I hope to start school this fall semester and depending on the class that will be Aug 29th so I have lots to do! I need to get my license renewed and go to the school to change my info and to take the COMPASS test. I really hope that I will be able to get it done in time to start.

I'm so proud of Eric. He got a 50 cent raise and he's working so hard. He takes good care of us. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met him. I know I wouldn't have James that's for sure! He is working on getting us a new computer so it's easier for me to do my school work lol (our current computer has missing keys lol) hopefully soon :) 

Also, Eric and I are apart of our sister's wedding that is in Sept. so we've been busy helping with that. I found/got my dress already :) I love it! There is still lots to do before the wedding day! I just hope that we will be able to get them done and it to look nice :) Eric is part of the guys line so we need to find him a yellow tie and dress pants and most likely dress socks lol I also want to find James a cute outfit :) 

Well, that's what's been going on in my life lol well until next time I bid you Adieu! :) 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So my baby boy had the flu on  New Years weekend but thankfully he is so much better now. He is getting so big. He weighs 24 lbs his head is 18.5 in. lol he's going to take after his Daddy. I love my family so much. I can't wait to see what the future has for us.